I suspect that it might not be a template issue but a Joomla issue.
I have searched online, but can't find any answers (even though there are alot of people who have had the problem)
I have setup a website contact through Contacts and linked it to a menu, so that people who view my website can get in contact with me. I have the following issues:
1. No confirmation email gets sent to the person who posted the comment / email (even though box requesting copy is ticked) (have tested this myself)
2. The website address does not get the email sent either.
Have tried everything (well... not the corect way to do it though)
In global configuration in the backend, I have an email called [email protected]
In the contact setup, I have entered the same email address.
My website is a work in progress, and can be viewed here:
I love the template. It is a PenguinMail one.
Can anyone assist?