I have a problem will all, I repeat all gavick 1.5/1.7/2.5 templates not showing bullets.
This is with all joomla versions, browsers, editors, OS's...etc.
The bullets will not show in frontend articles.
This has been an on-going issue and I never see it fixed for any templates.
I need to have this fixed with updates, not hacks from me, I see extensive forum posts on this in all templates, but the issues never gets fixed.
I am an affiliate, and I have a current project that this is a serious issue and may kill my project.
I need a global fix for this for all templates, not hacks.
The current project uses gk_penguinmail with Joomla 2.5.7 and JCE.
I need this fix done ASAP or client will get another template and get a refund.
My concern with hacks is it fixes one thing but causes another issue, so hacks are not the way to go.
Come on Gavick, please fix this issue, its bullets, should not be hard to get this done for all your templates, especially after you have over 5 pages of forum requests on this, and it still is an issue dating back to 1.5 templates.