how to change position of module Language Switcher

GK User
Wed May 23, 2012 4:20 pm
Hi there,

I want to place the module Language Switcher to a specific position, like just below the Search box (at the right of main menu) but don't want to have side-effect to the header.

Anyone know how to do that?

Please kindly help.

Thanks in advance.
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GK User
Wed May 23, 2012 4:23 pm

You can create new module position and load it in that place then assign the module to this position, consult this post to know how to do ... tml#p67691

Let me know if you need further help.

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GK User
Wed May 23, 2012 4:52 pm
Hi Don,

I can't find:

<div id="gkToolbar">

in \templates\gk_postnote\layouts\blocks\nav.php for template penguinMail.
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GK User
Wed May 23, 2012 4:57 pm
The guide was for another template, just consult but don't try to do all the steps exactly, check your file and paste the code to any other place, I gotta go out now so can say it exactly for you, if you still can't do, I will get back later to tell you details.

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GK User
Wed May 23, 2012 5:26 pm
Hi Don,

I can place the module Language Switcher at the position of left-above main menu now, but what I want is to place it to right-above main menu. How can I do that?

(I just changed templateDetails.xml and nav.php as instructions)

thanks for your help.
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GK User
Thu May 24, 2012 4:32 pm
Can you please show the site to me then I will know how to do that?

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GK User
Thu May 24, 2012 4:40 pm
Hi Don,

I had PM you my web and access. Please kindly help.

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GK User
Thu May 24, 2012 11:14 pm
Thank you, I've added this code to CSS Override for you:
Code: Select all
height: 25px;
div.mod-languages ul{
float: right;

Please check if the module is showing correctly like what you want.

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