hi all !
i want to replace the background at the top of the page with my own custom background.
J 2.5 latest
my site: test1.virecodesign.ro
See what i mean in the picture:
div.bg {
background: transparent url('../images/stripes.png') repeat-x 0 0;
div.bg {
h1#gkLogo, h1.gkLogo.text
margin-top: 5px!important;
dziudek wrote:Please always refresh your browser cache after the CSS changes - for me the top line dissapeared. The only part of line is over the logo and it can be removed by removing in style1.css (around line 31.) the border-top property for the following selector:
- Code: Select all
h1#gkLogo, h1.gkLogo.text
background-position: 9px 0;