<hr id="system-readmore" /> doesn't display in articles

GK User
Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:54 am
I have installed the quickstart package of black and white. I have completed all the rest of the edits but I cannot make <hr id="system-readmore" /> show in an article. I have checked your entire forum for a relevant answer or solution but you seamed to have not answered question concerning this or similar issue in every post.
The URL of site is
Please tell me what I need to do in order for the system read more work in the templates.
Thank you for your prompt reply!
Kind regards,
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Senior Boarder

Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:03 am

System readmore is used in blog layout to show only the short part first. I cannot find such page in Your website. Can You help me and guide me to it ?
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