Component "Clear" or "Static" Issue? Help!

GK User
Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:12 am

Note: Running latest B&W: 1.06

Having an issue with the Virtuemart component and regular Joomla module positions.

When placing any module in the inset, any left, or any right positions, they are loading below the Virtuemart component.

When the modules are place, A blank space is inserted where they "should" be but they are actually appearing below the template.

If both left and right are used, the right module position appear completely off the mainbody.

We have tried adjusting the default widths of all.

Module positions top, and advert, and bottom positions do load correctly.

The issue is with having anything appear to the left or right.

Any ideas?

I uploaded a screen shot.

Could the "Static" or "clear:both;" somewhere the code be causing this? I cannot find it. No matter how I re-size columns, either left or right get bumped.

Not sure what is conflicting with Virtue Mart. We are using another component for contact (with side modules) and have no problems.

Any suggestions of code to try?



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Junior Boarder

GK User
Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:45 pm
I'm having a similar or the same issue.

My shopping cart and category modules should be showing to the left but are showing below virturemart.

The weird thing is they are displaying in what looks like the component or mainbody. The bottom of the site, footer/copyright area is also getting thrown into this weird area below virtuemart with the shopping cart and categories.

Did you have any luck resolving your issue? Maybe the admins can take a look at my site and help me out. Store URL below. ... store.html

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Fresh Boarder

Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:12 pm

It looks like the problem is with too big images. Have You worke it out, because it's the only think I can see.
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GK User
Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:07 pm
I can change to certain flyplage options and it fix the issue. I just can't understand why if the flypage or images are to wide it throws the left column at the bottom.

The other problem I'm having is that the B&W template css seems to be overwriting parts of my virtuemart category and flypages. The arrows for quantity don't show, the cart only shows on some flypage themes.

It's getting rather annoying. I could have written a template in the time its taken me to try to fix all these issues. I'm very disappointed with my purchase of your template.
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:47 am

Please try to remove the vm.css file form css/vm. See if this helps.
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GK User
Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:02 am
There wasn't just a vm.css file in that css/vm folder. I removed the whole folder. No difference.
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Fresh Boarder
