K2 item heading

GK User
Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:02 pm
Hi guys,

Basically building a wine site.
I have 2 categories 'wines' and 'News articles'
I have set parameters to be the same for both categories as far as I can tell, but for my wines category if I set 'inherit parameter options from category' to be 'news articles' instead of none, I get the correct look and feel as I have left it now at
http://timsmith.dyndns-server.com:150/i ... Itemid=133
but if I deselect this inheret setting to 'none' therefore having both using their own parameters, then the type for each k2 item just becomes all the same size font, no bold, no paragraphs.

Any help would be appreciated.

thanks again
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:21 pm
I would suggest that you don't have the parameters aren't set the same for both "Wine" and "News Articles" ... I would double check everything to make sure, but If you're achieving the look you want with inherit parameters, I would leave it that way. You can always over ride things hidden or showing in the category view options, when you are in the "edit category" panel... same for items.
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Fresh Boarder
