Hello, I'm intereested in this template but I would like to fix something, in the demo template, we can see the k2 categories module at the right in the Home:
Architecture - Interior Design (0)
o Living Room design (5)
o Houses (6)
o Kitchen interiors (5)
o Bedroom design (5)
Is there any way that the main or root category counter add all the subcategories items? I mean:
Architecture - Interior Design (21)
If is not posible:
- Is there any way to change the (0) by (21) manually?
- Is there any way to delette the (0)? I mean:
Architecture - Interior Design
o Living Room design (5)
o Houses (6)
o Kitchen interiors (5)
o Bedroom design (5)
I find how to delete all counters from the k2 category module .. but doesn't looks as well as I wish. I'm talking ONLY about the k2 categorys module.
Lot's of thanks.