Php Notice on top & Frontpage not displaying Featured articles...

GK User
Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:33 am
I've read through multi forms and I can't get rid of the php notice on top when I enable the registration module. How do I go about doing this. Another question is why does it no showup on the quickstart version but does when I do a fresh Joomla install and then install the template.

I'm also getting Wrong group background when I go to use the Photo-slide k3. It doesn't matter with either one being selected and everything else filled out it sill shows with this error.
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GK User
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:02 am
Still not sure how to get rid of the PHP notice on top. I did figure out the frontpage...setting in the template manager of black & white. Still not sure about the slide though. Any help on this would be great! Thanks!
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