How do I change the wording 'Black & White' to 'Navigation' on the breadcrumb?
Junior Boarder
GK User
Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:40 am
there is a language file to all gavick templates where you can change it... go to your language directory and find the tpl.blackwhite.ini or what the name is and change it there...
this has been covered bout a million times in each template forum btw.
Platinum Boarder
GK User
Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:45 am
couldn't figure it out too, finally got it.
So for everyone with the same problem it's in language file called
Fresh Boarder
GK User
Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:20 am
"this has been covered bout a million times in each template forum btw."
maybe an easier solution would be good then? to be able to change directly in the module....
Expert Boarder
GK User
Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:46 am
joomla is build up upon language files. this way you can have multiple files to choose from. what you suggest wouldn't make sence since it would be alot more work to go change everything in each module insted of one sepcific language file.