Module variation

GK User
Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:43 am

In the demo template I saw an example of module variation witch i like. I reffer to the syndication modul inside other module header. I have tried to do this but it seemes i do something in a wrong way. What exactly shall I do

I have "Who's on line " module and i want it to be shown in the header of a GKnewspro module. My module is named "Sumar HGabc"

What I did:
1. I put "who's on line" module enabled in no possition
2. I open "Sumar HGabc " module and i tried different titles "Sumar Hgabc [who's on line_head1] and so on..

what exactly i should have written in that title?

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GK User
Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:01 pm
module and i want it to be shown in the header of a GKnewspro module

You can display module in a header of another module. Please publish module above/below the News Show Pro module.
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Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:01 pm
ok. here is the printscreen for the Home page.

the statistic module is called "Who's online" . I set it on Top1 above "Sumar HGabc

"Sumar HGabc " is a tab module set on Top1, bellow Who's online, as you suggested.

Bother are published. the title for "Sumar Hgabc " is "Sumar HGabc [Who's online_head1]"

it's the title correct? cause the modules are shown one on top of each other , not like i wanted to.

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