date format (locale) in image show module always enghlish

GK User
Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:51 pm
How can I change the shown date (day of week) in the image show module?

It's always in english and I want it to be in german :(

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Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:55 pm

Date is being constructed using PHP function date() which is taking values from server, so to make it display on server need to be configured to use German language.
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GK User
Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:02 pm
Ok... we talk here from sporter J1.5 template, I use mod_gk_image_show v1.1.3 from 20/12/2009. That's for clarification.

1) The server is in germany. "date" on console (ssh) gives me
Code: Select all
# date                                                                                                                                               
Sa 3. Mär 20:47:17 CET 2012

Code: Select all
# locale -a
de_DE.utf8                                                                                                                                         deutsch                                                                                                                                              german                                                                                                                                              POSIX 

So everything is correct here.

Also all other dates in the joomla site (from content, from k2 content and so on are in correct german format).

So why this image show module is using here a wrong date format?!

(and you write it uses PHP function date()... I think that's not correct, it uses strftime function.)

Then I hardcoded
Code: Select all
setlocale(LC_TIME, "de_DE");

into the file templates/gk_sporter/html/mod_gk_image_show/content.php (~line 125)
Code: Select all
                 if($show_date == 'true') :
                    setlocale(LC_TIME, "de_DE");
                    $gk_is_date = JHTML::_('date', $this->slides_additional_data[$this->slides[$i]['article']]['date'], $this->config['pagination_date_format']);

but again, the date in this modul stays in wrong format :ohmy:

My module settings are
Code: Select all
pagination_date_format=%e. %B %Y;
date_format=%A, %e. %B %Y;
info_format=%date von %author;

Next big mistake here is, I can't choose k2 content, only joomla content :unsure: (and I need an article to have at least a date in general). Setting Article to "Own article" isn't also a chance because then the date gets always todays date :|
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Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:44 pm

Ok. I believe it would be faster to write a small script to change the language inside date so please tell me translations for days and months and send me FTP access.

But first we need to figure out K2 issue. I will send this to programmers, but to do this I will need FTP and joomla panel access from You. When they fix K2 issue I'll add date translator script.
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GK User
Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:42 pm
pm sent
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Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:41 pm

Now I realised that You are using joomla 1.5 (sorry I didn't spot it earlier). This means that Photoslide is not designed to work with K2 articles other way than giving own link to that, so there will is no to make this date appear. But please update photoslide and image show to be completly sure programmers did not added this functionality and of course it's always better to keep everything up to date.

Please let me know when You make this update so I will be able to proceed with language change inside date script.
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GK User
Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:17 pm
Ahm... I've said we discussing J1.5 sporter template here ;)

And for J1.5 I'm using the latest versions of image show module and photoslide I've found here on!!!
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Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:41 pm
Heart wrote:Ahm... I've said we discussing J1.5 sporter template here ;)

And for J1.5 I'm using the latest versions of image show module and photoslide I've found here on!!!


Yes I know You've mentioned. Sorry for that. It was a long time since someone asked about J1.5 :)

Anyway this means that You cannot use it with K2 because it's not supporting it. I'm affraid You will have to use regular joomla articles instead od K2 items or a different slider module. Decision is Yours. Let me know if You decide to keep photoslide and use joomla articles so I'll be able to this script.
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GK User
Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:34 pm
I have to use J1.5 because of joomleague extension, so it would be nice if you do your mentioned script (about photoslide date problem).

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GK User
Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:18 pm
Ok, I have now totally rewritten/changed the image show module and photoslide component (for J1.5)!

- changed everything so it uses k2 articles and not joomla content articles
- added a new date field when adding a new photoslide slide (new field in photoslide mysql db). When link_type is set to 0 (no article) then this date is taken in the output. Don't know what gavick have thought here to always take the joomla_content date also it was set to own link!?!?

(- also fixed that wrong date format with a simple str_replace function)

So let's hope joomleague will get an update soon so I can go to J2.5 and hope for better support here when having question ;)! J1.5 looks nearly dead.
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GK User
Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:48 am
Hi there

I'll break my head :!:

I'm using LeagueNews template on J2.5 with K2. I need to change date format in K2 article (article created date). I've changed date format in local language file, in K2 language file, but no changes in front page. Where about is the date format code in this case?

Thank you all
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