Trying to add a module position to the very top of the page called "top-nav2"
Right now the site is on a localinstall on my computer...
Already added to the template details and I have added this to the top.php file in layouts/blocks folder; but, it isn't working... See screenshot-- the mod needs to be aligned to the right like the " top-nav " is.
This is what I added to the top.php file and it blows the top margin out:
<?php if($this->countModules('top_nav2')): ?>
<div id="gk-top-menu">
<?php if($this->countModules('top_nav2')) : ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="top_nav2" style="none" />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
I've got a Mega Menu module by Smart Addons that I want to drop in this position...