How to create a user "Submit" button for K2 Items?

GK User
Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:21 am
I would like to add a menu item in the main navigation menu where those in my "Authors" K2 user group can submit news via the front end.

I thought it would be as easy as copying the link in the "User Menu" but that doesn't work. That link is set up for old school Joomla Section + Category system and I couldn't find a way to set it up for submitting "Items" to "K2 Categories".

How is everyone else submitting front end news to K2 categories?
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GK User
Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:31 am
Found some instructions on the K2 community that say to disable Joomla login and enable K2 login. Will try this after I've had some sleep and will report back if it works out. Or if anyone has an alternate suggestion, I'd love to hear it.
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GK User
Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:02 am
Ok, so that was the only problem I had. I went to the module manager, disabled the Joomla Login module and enabled the K2 login module, then everything was set up properly. However, I have a couple of new questions.

1. Can I change the text of the Logout link? When you click the link that says Logout, a mini-window opens containing several account options, plus a log out button. Since the link actually does more than log the user out, I was wondering if it is possible to somehow change the text of that link to say Account Options or something similar.


2. Can I add a "close" link to that mini-window? When I am logged into an account with font end editing privileges, and I click the Logout link to open the mini-window, then select the Add and Item link, the K2 item submit page opens in a lightbox fashion, and this mini-window remains hovering over the top (see attached images). I can not close the mini-window or move it to a position where it is not obstructing the view of the submit page. How can I fix this problem?
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GK User
Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:14 am
I guess I have a third question I forgot about.

On the K2 item submit page for the front end - is there a way to add the fields for them to input the meta description and keywords (in addition to the normal K2 tags)? Those two sections seem to be missing from the page. I figure this is really a K2 issue, but didn't think it would hurt to ask while I was here. If no one knows I'll try to post on the K2 community.
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