What module position is this?

GK User
Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:31 pm
If you look at the attached image, you'll see that there is an article about Chelsea dropped to the left of the "Breaking News" box. This story is squeezing the breaking news to half it's width and forcing it to run long.

To be perfectly honest, I dont even know what I did to get that news story to display there, but I need to turn it off. I've been going through the module positions one-by-one, turning them off, then looking at the page to see if that took it away, then turning it back on and moving to the next one. Doing this has not resulted in me being able to determine which module position it is or how to turn it off. If anyone knows, I would really appreciate it if you could tell me.
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GK User
Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:25 pm
I got the above problem straightened out, so no worries there. However, afterwards I encountered something kind of odd that I wanted to ask about.

After correcting the problem I was still seeing the old page (which is why I couldn't originally figure out what module position it was). So I cleared my cache, reopened the browser, and for some reason I am now getting the mobile version by default. I have no idea why. I asked a few friends to pull up the page and they are also getting the mobile version by default. Does anyone have a suggestion on this?

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GK User
Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:11 pm
I'm sorry, but nevermind. I cleared cache again and it seems to be working now. I think Gavick must have developed Joomla's first self-healing template. Thanks anyway. I appreciate your time.
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