CherryDesign and K2

GK User
Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:08 pm
K2 me when I viewed a blog menu link, it is like in the picture are "not published"(Nicht veröffenticht)
How and where can I suppress it.

I tried out all sorts of things already in K2 could not find anything.
Thank you!
Bildschirmfoto 2011-02-01 um 20.01.42.png
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Gold Boarder

Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:22 am

This has to be somewhere in the K2 settings, but please show me Your site, I'll tell You how to hide it using css.
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GK User
Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:36 pm

Here is the link.

Then I had two questions:
1) How do I install updates from Gavick modules and components are installed.
I can see in admin but that there is an update and also download it. When you reinstall, I am told that there is already this module / component ... There. Delete I do not want, otherwise all settings or away? I also can not simply play the files with FTP. What's not where to put it.
I ask for a Rat

2) Can I move with all the data on Joomla 1.6?

Thanks for the help and efforts.

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Gold Boarder

Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:31 pm

To hide this text please add to override.css this code (please remember that using of override.css must be enabled in template configuration)

Code: Select all
.userItemHeader .userItemTitle span sup, .catItemHeader .catItemTitle span sup, .itemHeader .itemTitle span sup {
    display: none;

1. Simply overwrite the files of the old module with the newest version via ftp.
2. You must see on joomla page how to make joomla update. In my opininon this are two diffrent systems, but maby someone discovered how to do this. Anyway remember that You will need to reinstall all extentions and template to be compatible with 1.6 version.
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GK User
Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:49 am
teitbite wrote:Hi

To hide this text please add to override.css this code (please remember that using of override.css must be enabled in template configuration)

Code: Select all
.userItemHeader .userItemTitle span sup, .catItemHeader .catItemTitle span sup, .itemHeader .itemTitle span sup {
    display: none;

Thank you, has worked :)

1. Simply overwrite the files of the old module with the newest version via ftp.
2. You must see on joomla page how to make joomla update. In my opininon this are two diffrent systems, but maby someone discovered how to do this. Anyway remember that You will need to reinstall all extentions and template to be compatible with 1.6 version.
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Gold Boarder
