K2- 2.4.1
SIGPRO - 2.0
GK cherrydesign 1.0.7
Mootools 1.2.4
Problem, no thumbnails show (back and front), open image is OK ![spoiler][/spoiler]
File in serwer OK
(...public_html/media/k2/galleries/1/(files.jpg)) but only orginal (big) no K2 thumb (X-smal,smal,medium,big,xbig) ??
(...public_html/cache/(thumbfiles.jpg)) 777
Maybe css ?
Link Forum joomlaworks:
from forum:
Your template CSS overwrites the plugins. In your CSS you have the statement
ul li img {
background:none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;
margin:0 5px 0 0 !important;
padding:0 !important;
You need to remove the !important statement.
- Code: Select all
In my Site
JoomlaWorks "Simple Image Gallery PRO" Plugin (v2.0) starts here -->
<ul id="sig8e75ca39bb" class="sig-container">
<li class="sig-block">
<span class="sig-link-wrapper">
<span class="sig-link-innerwrapper">
<a href="http://juart.pl/media/k2/galleries/1/2406_1.JPG" class="sig-link" style="width:200px;height:200px;" rel="gb_imageset[gallery8e75ca39bb]" title="<b>Navigation tip:</b> Hover mouse on top of the right or left side of the image to see the next or previous image respectively.<br /><br />You are browsing images from the article:<br /><span class="sig-popup-caption">Anioły Szczęścia</span><br /><br />" target="_blank">
<img class="sig-image" src="http://juart.pl/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/sigpro.transparent.gif" alt="Click to open image!" title="Click to open image!" style="width:200px;height:200px;background-image:url('http://juart.pl/cache/jwsigpro_cache_d7ad011d022406_1.JPG');" />
<span class="sig-pseudo-caption"><b>Click to open image!</b></span>
<span class="sig-caption" title="Click to open image!">Click to open image!</span>