Face Book Template Like Buttons and Twitter Error

Gamebox - especially created support forum for Joomla 1.6
GK User
Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:37 am
on articles that are publiched I am noticing the like buttons dont work often. and in some cases the post to twitter doesnt as well. If i find the like button doesnt work i have to copy the artcle , delete it and re do it and it may work. Are there any plans for a upgrade as many plug ins have commenting added as well? here is a page i see the issue on. http://swaggakings.com/life-style/luv-d ... a-man.html and since i am using the like buttons for a contest i cant switch them out for a 3rd party plug in that may work. I have the jomsocial plug in turned off. I have yet to find a 3rd party like button plug in that shows all elements properly with this template.....hmmmmm any help here . Thanks
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Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:04 pm
i took the time to test all non commecial ext doing the like feature. most of them did not show up properly with j.16 template of Gavick, but did work fine on others. Of those that did work all but one would hang up or not work on a article. by deleting and rewriting the article it worked. maybe this is a script issue?? dont know but its a great feature to have it it would just work.
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