Ever since I have upgraded to Joomla 2.5.2 I have notice a few things that only happens with your templates and not others on my system. On the css has changed and the front page layout is not the same. When I go to edit or add a article from the front end using JCE editor and CKeditor now the content box is moved all the way to the right in fire fox. And If I add a photo and resize it if I go to full screen mode and return the screen size back to normal I loose the photo sizing. When I use my ezblog the layour is fine but the resizing issue is there as well. The template I am using is Game Box . I have tried uninstalling abd reinstalling as well as adding 3 other of your templates and get all the same results but if I use any of the preinstalled joomla templates I have no issues at all. Since I have many contributors of content who add articles from the front end I really need this fixed. I have no issue from the back end.
Also I have another site using your boutique from the quick install I have also run into the same issue with boutique as it relates to sizing in explorer and it wont allow me to add an article in firefox. When I click the link on my navigation after being logged in it keeps sending me back to the home page.
I have tried JCE, CKeditor, and tiny (default)