I was just wondering about this template as I'm putting a lot of stake into it, not only for my customers but for my self as well. On the front of the Gavick site is says this under 3rd party.
Used 3d Party Products: redShop, AcyMailling, K2, Tabs Module, News Show Pro GK4, Image Show GK4
As I have all these applications it's not a problem, unexpected, but a nice bonus.. I'll sell a million of them. But what was not said is what worries me. JOMSOCIAL, KUNENA, Now yes I'm known for my comical hissy fits. I can be a pain in the ass when I feel the need. But my Spidey Scenes are starting to get irritated.
Please tell me these components are being added to the list of 3rd party application for Game Magazine.
There is no Santa, I know when my birthday is, No other surprises are welcomed.