Joomla! 3.3.1 Stable
Meet Gavern - Gavern v.1.3.2
Hello everyone,
I'm stuck on this issue and not sure if its a Joomla or Template issue.
On my front page I have Paging enabled on the menu, looks fine:
If you look to the right of the page you will see a module called "Blog Categories", this is a "Articles Categories" module. If you click on one of the Categories the page looks fine apart from paging has disappeared.
If I understand correctly, the Blog layout is decided from any menu liked to this Category, if there is no menu then the settings in "Article Manager Options" > "Blog / Featured Layouts" come into play.
There is no menu item linked to these Categories and the "Article Manager Options" > "Blog / Featured Layouts" Paging setting is enabled, if I change any other settings here they are applied to the page fine - its just paging is ignored.
As the Joomla settings appear to be correct, could this be a template issue? I see on the page the html code for paging is missing completely.
Any ideas are most welcome!
Many thanks,