Hello. Someone, please help me...
What kind of code is this? it's was javascript or..??
<script src="https://www.exness.com/informers/timer/ExnessTimerInformer_class.js" type="text/javascript" target="ExnessTimerInformer" options="font=Tahoma&textcolor=#000000&textcolor2=#aaaaaa&bg=#ffffff&bgtab=#FDD114&bgtabh=#f1f1f1&bgtabhcolor=#000000&bgtime=#EDB004&bgtime2=#f0f0f0&bgtime2color=#000000&bordcolor=#c5c5c5¤cycolor=#008000&width=356&lng=en&agent=7074966"></script>
And...how to insert this code in joomla module position...
( I only know a simple html and css code...so that's why I try to insert it in module 'custom html'..but as expected, it's not working..)
I also try using free module such as "custom javascript, Easy script, Add Custom Javascript, Flexi custom code, blank module etc" but it's still not working...
how to do...