Problems with storebox: Registration not working - Contacts

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GK User
Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:56 am
Hi all,

I have been working the all day in the storebox Joomla 2.5 template I downloaded this morning. I just moved a pile of information I already had prepared. The URL is http://www.directoranges,com

I started everything is a Xampp local server and when I uploaded the page to the server (iPage) I have 3 main problems:

1. Nobody can register. You fill all registration parameters and once you finish the process it prompts you with a blank from again. I check the Users Manager and nothing appears there.

2. The contact form appear fine. I send the email with copy and the copy of the email arrives but not the copy for me,
Mail Settings

Mailer * PHP
From email [email protected]
From Name DirectOranges
Sendmail Path /usr/sbin/sendmail
SMTP Authentication NO

In contacts I also have the same email

3. I have the The module News Show Pro 5. I can see the products but there is no way to make it show the prices. The animation with a floating orange ball also does not show the price.

Can somebody help?
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:31 am

3. NSP module is showing "salesPriceWithTax" and problem is that if tax is configured incorrectly such prie is visible as 0 so nothing is displayed. Please try disable tax entirely or set tax as 0%. This is a VM issue and I do not remeber which of the mentioned options works, so You need to checke both.

1. Which regstration form You have in mind ? Is it our module or VM component ?

2. Please try rename /html/com_contact in template to /html/_com_contact and check if problem remains.
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GK User
Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:51 am

First of all thank you very much. I would like to let you know that I am not a expert at all in all these so i might be asking silly questions. On the other hand this is very frustrating to someone like me.

I tried your solution 2. But unfortunately it doesn't work.

With regard to 3. My prices are set without taxes. In VM in all of them I put Apply no rule. Also now disabled the three tax calculation rules and the module still not show the price.

With regard to 1. To be honest, I do not know what you are talking about. I just went to the login module and activated it and selected some field in a plugin. CAn you provide more detailed instructions on how to activate one of them. Either will be fine provided I can get costumers?

Thanks, and sorry because once again I am completely new to this!!!
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:22 am

Sure I'll try to exaplain as clear as possible.

1. I know it's hard to configure it. There is couple of place You need to check, so this point I'll try to make myself for You. Please send me an access to joomla panel.

2. That was not a solution, but just a test which shows that template has nothig to do with this problem which mean You will need to ask VM support for help here. Sorry I'm not VM expert

3. The lack of tax is he problem here. If there is no tax, than "priceWithTax" is 0 and nothing is showing in module, but lets try a different solution and change a module to show one of the available prices.

Please edit file /modules/mod_news_pro_gk5/portal_modes/product_gallery_2/controller.php and around line 143 which looks like:

Code: Select all
        $news_price.= $currency->createPriceDiv('basePriceWithTax','',$product->prices);

change "basePriceWithTax" to "salesPrice". This will use a different price provided by VM. If this still will not show prices than probably showing prices is connected with a shoppers group, but lets not worry about that now.
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GK User
Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:24 pm

Almost everything working now.

The prices are displayed but the orange ball of the background does not appear. Well, only half (you can see in
Any help with this.

The other things look OK. I have a problem with VM mails to vendors but that's another matter.

Thanks again
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:45 pm

The mail problem is very common. I think VM has made some changes to it's functionality recently. Please try using SMTP settings in joomla mail configuration. I've see n threads where ppl sait it helped.
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Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:46 pm
I forget about the styling question ;/

Try add this code to css:

Code: Select all
.gkNspPM-ProductGallery .gkImage .gkImgOverlay div.PricesalesPrice {
    font-size: 24px;
    font-weight: bold;
    line-height: 32px;
    margin-top: 44px;
    text-align: center;
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