Hi all,
I have been working the all day in the storebox Joomla 2.5 template I downloaded this morning. I just moved a pile of information I already had prepared. The URL is http://www.directoranges,com
I started everything is a Xampp local server and when I uploaded the page to the server (iPage) I have 3 main problems:
1. Nobody can register. You fill all registration parameters and once you finish the process it prompts you with a blank from again. I check the Users Manager and nothing appears there.
2. The contact form appear fine. I send the email with copy and the copy of the email arrives but not the copy for me,
Mail Settings
Mailer * PHP
From email [email protected]
From Name DirectOranges
Sendmail Path /usr/sbin/sendmail
SMTP Authentication NO
In contacts I also have the same email
3. I have the The module News Show Pro 5. I can see the products but there is no way to make it show the prices. The animation with a floating orange ball also does not show the price.
Can somebody help?