I'm having an issue with the menu of my site on a mobile device...
My site (http://serfelices.org/) is working wit the template gk_news (Joomla! 2.5).
I need to have a main menu for the main site and a different menu for the mobile site.
This template doesn't have a position for the main menu, instead, it have tab in the template options where you can configure it. This means i can't use the "main menu position" for two different modules.
I have been googling this issue but i only get help for Joomla! 3.0.
For 2.5 i only found something about the module suffix (something like use "onlymobile" or "nomobile") to manage the visualization of the menu on the divice.
That's my problem. I would appreciate if you help me solve it.
Thanks, have a good day!