Menu group with two columns

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GK User
Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:24 am
How can I set in the menu One group with 2 columns.
I have menu with 4 groups, but first group is with more then 20 items and first group is too long when is opened, part of it is hidden at the bottom.
There is an options for columns but if there is no groups.
Or I cannt set it correct.
How to display one group in more then one comlumn

Another problem
There is no options if some groups are wit 2-3 items (they are short) to be displayed in one column. If I have 6-8 groups with 3 items each the menu is too wide and last groups are hidden, they are outside of browser.
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:54 am

Unfortunately this is something user needst to configure and decide. Template will not count it for You. Please read our documentation about extended menu options it will help You to set it as You want it: ... -3-0-menu/
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GK User
Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:37 am
Thank you for replay.
I have read documentation.
But I may be I am missing something. or you cannt udnerstand me.
Look at the attached file.
I need to split group (in green) in two columns. But it is possbile onali if I set groupo for each column. If I dont set grous for each column it is separated in two columns but with slide efect.
Pleace give me un idea
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:35 am

That's gonna be hard, but please show me Your site and I'll think of something.
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GK User
Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:29 pm
It is on local server for now. I can send screenshots.
I am using myStore on 2.5. Too bad, this template is the best gavick's e-commerce template.
Any idea what can we do to split the menu.
This is a store for clothing and every one popular store for clothing is with the same structure mens womens... and subdir with all kind of clotes
Maybe framework must be updated. I dont know what to do....
Thanks in advance
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:00 am

I believe it's doable, but I would like not to guess. Please ignore the problem for now and get back to me when site will be online.
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GK User
Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:41 am
Ok, I will contact with you soon
I have one more question.
Is it possible 2-3 groups to be displayed in one column?
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:42 pm

Everything is possible, just needs a good idea how to make it :)
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