Probably you would have same problem during installing any other module.
Many people got this same error, this error mostly come because of your log & temp folder path mean when you not give right path this error occurs.
Second the main causes for this error is when your trying to install a new module and your tmp file is set to the wrong location. So when the install tries to use the location it does not exist. To fix this go to your Global Configuration and correct your tmp file location.
Try this:1) look in your configuration.php for these two lines:
public $log_path = '/var/www/[example]/httpdocs/folder/www/joomlanew/logs';
public $tmp_path = '/var/www/[example]/httpdocs/folder/www/joomlanew/tmp';
and make sure that these are the fullpath-folders to these two folders in joomla and that they are writeable.
Check now, if won't help go to (2)
2) Download this file
Read more here:
http://itc.webmaasters.com/jfoldercreat ... hjZpxBi6So