Problem on Cart

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GK User
Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:35 am
Hi everyone,

wishing all you are great. I have a problem in my website

From yesterday i noticed that the cart of the website does not work. I have not changed anything on properties of the website and the cart stopped working. What can it be possible having? Please can anyone help me?

I'm waiting for your reply..
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Senior Boarder

Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:17 am

I'm being asked for login to add anything to cart and check this problem. Can You provide one? Please send it to me by mail or forum PM system.
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GK User
Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:09 am
You Have Pm..
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Senior Boarder

Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:31 am

There is an error when You hit "Add to cart"

TypeError: $.facebox is undefined

Please try if it works correctly if You rename /html/com_virtuemart to /html/_com_virtuemart and let me know. If it will work please send me an access to ftp if it will still be not working than it may be a VM issue and VM developers will be better to ask. Unfortunately I'm not a VM expert.
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GK User
Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:38 pm
teitbite wrote:Hi

There is an error when You hit "Add to cart"

TypeError: $.facebox is undefined

Please try if it works correctly if You rename /html/com_virtuemart to /html/_com_virtuemart and let me know. If it will work please send me an access to ftp if it will still be not working than it may be a VM issue and VM developers will be better to ask. Unfortunately I'm not a VM expert.

It doesn't work !!!!
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Senior Boarder

Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:15 am

Than it means that it's probably a conflict with a 3rd party extension You have. Please show this to VM developers, they may have already seen a problem between their product an other extensions.

If You want to check that on Your own than I would try to install "easy jquery" plugin and see if replacing jquery version will fix it. If not than next step would be to unpublish an extension after extension and check if cart work after every unpublished item.
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GK User
Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:44 am
teitbite wrote:Hi

Than it means that it's probably a conflict with a 3rd party extension You have. Please show this to VM developers, they may have already seen a problem between their product an other extensions.

If You want to check that on Your own than I would try to install "easy jquery" plugin and see if replacing jquery version will fix it. If not than next step would be to unpublish an extension after extension and check if cart work after every unpublished item.

Can you please check it for me? It would be grateful if you can help..
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Senior Boarder

Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:52 pm

Ok. I'll try. Please send me an access to joomla panel.
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GK User
Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:51 pm
teitbite wrote:Hi

Ok. I'll try. Please send me an access to joomla panel.

hello my friend, i have a serious problem again... i have updated the VM version and now the cart is not working at all.. when someone is adding a product into the cart, nothing hapenned and shown empty..

How can i fix this serious problem because now my web store is not working and causes to me lot of damage..

So i kindly asking your help and support..

for the website i send you a PM with access code

Best regards,
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Senior Boarder

Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:27 pm

Yes this is the big problem around not only with our templates. Here is what programmers write to me about it.

In VM admin settings there is set our template for VirtueMart default one. Solution is set this option to default Joomla! one. The VM is working fine. When the settings are set to use default J! template all is working fine and our override views looks properly.
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