i'm preety new to Joomla, but i trie to create a homepage using the ICKI-Sports Template. I don't know why, but i'm not able to confige some little things als followed (plz have a look at the picture attached, i've marked my problems):
I've tried to change the color of HR via Template-CSS-Edit, but it doesn't work. I've changed the color to #000 but it's still white. In my case it's all about the Mainbody-Content... each news-entry is split by a white HR-Tag
Written by a.s.o.:
The Joomla-News-Content shows informations about the Autor and Date of Creation. The Background of this Information is white - everything else is black as i configured. Atm i found no option to change this color... where can i change it?
Read more Links:
The Read-More-Links in the Joomla-News-Content are black (Hover blue). I still found no option to change that... black on black is not so good ^^
I hope you can help me... everything else works great!
Thanks for your time and sorry for my bad english.