I really hope you can help me.
My config:
PHP Built On Linux srv047158.webreus.nl 2.6.18-028stab070.2 #1 SMP Tue Jul 6 14:34:09 MSD 2010 i686
PHP Version 5.3.10
Web Server Apache/2.0.54 (Fedora)
WebServer to PHP Interface cgi-fcgi
Joomla! Version Joomla! 3.1.1 Stable [ Ember ] 26-April-2013 14:00 GMT
Template: Gavick Simplicity J3
Components: K2, Akeeba Backup, Admin, ARS and Subscriptions
What I checked:
Error logs
I checked the server error logs. There are a lot of these errors: Premature end of script headers: php53.fcgi
I’m no expert, I don’t know what that signifies.
Google page speed
I checked the site (http://www.byimke.nl) @ Google page speed https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed
it suggests two problems with the highest priority:
1. Enable compression
I enabled compression in the template advanced settings. It broke my site’s layout completely, so I had to disable it again.
2. Enable browser caching
I enabled both cache options in the template backend (“Use GK cache” and “CSS cache”), but disabled the cache option in the Joomla Global Configuration – System as per the advised settings in the Gavick forum. I also enabled the cache plugin and enabled Browser caching (see https://www.gavick.com/forums/security-and-configuration/recommended-options-in-the-templates-settings-for-cache-21667.html?p=105759&hilit=gk%20cache%20gkcache#p105759).
After that, Google page speed still tells me to enable browser caching, so somehow it doesn’t pick it up. Also, it suggests to set the cache time to a week. I set the cache time in the Joomla cache settings to 10080 minutes, as the post I just referred to says that GK cache takes it’s parameters from the Joomla cache settings.
Konrad M wrote:Hi,
Our gk_cache script is a little modification of default joomla one. So please add your changes to our script. And about second one yes script takes expired time paramtere from joomla.
It still tells me to set it to a week, so somehow that setting doesn’t get picked up either.
I don’t know what to do next. I’m at my wits’ end. I really hope someone can help me.