I'm trying to config Black&White Template as multilanguage site, but I have a problem.
I have 4 Main Menu:
1.- Main-Menu ALL
2.- Main-Menu EN -> pointing Default Article EN
3.- Main-Menu ES -> pointing Default Article Es
4.- Main-Menu FR -> -> pointing Default Article FR
The rest of plugins or modules are activated, language switcher and language filter.
Gavick Template config, only accept config one Main Menu. When I set Main-Menu EN I can not see other, appear blank menu.
Although I set Main-Menu ALL unpublish, if it is selected in Template Config, does not disappears.
When I set Main-Menu EN I can not see other, appear blank menu.
Im looking in the forum to solve this problem, but I only found two replyies. One to youtube tutorial, and other recommending duplicate template for each language.
Could someone give me a definitive answer to solve this problem?
And, would be possible change Menu Template Configuration and accept multiselect?
Thank you very much in advance and sorry about my poor English.