I need some help to find the extention that *** up my DB. The hoster of my site gave me this report this morning: (have set ? where the db extention is)
Executed 10 min ago for 1 sec on Database --> mittspan_?????.
SELECT DISTINCT cats.name AS cat_name, cats.alias AS cat_alias, content.catid AS cat_id, users.name AS author, users.email AS author_email, users.id AS author_id, content.title AS title, content.introtext AS text, content.created AS date, content.publish_up AS date_publish, content.id AS ID, content.alias AS alias, content.hits AS hits, content_rating.rating_sum AS rating_sum, content_rating.rating_count AS rating_count, content.plugins AS plugins FROM sgj_k2_items AS content LEFT JOIN sgj_k2_categories AS cats ON cats.id = content.catid LEFT JOIN sgj_users AS users ON users.id = content.created_by LEFT JOIN sgj_k2_rating AS content_rating ON content.id = content_rating.itemID WHERE content.trash = 0 AND cats.access <= 0 AND content.access <= 0 AND content.published = 1 AND cats.published = 1 AND ( content.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR content.publish_up <= '2012-10-24 06:39:06' ) AND ( content.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR content.publish_down >= '2012-10-24 06:39:06' ) AND ( content.catid = 3 OR content.catid = 4 OR content.catid = 5 OR content.catid = 6 OR content.catid = 7 OR content.catid = 8 OR content.catid = 9 OR content.catid = 10 OR content.catid = 12 OR content.catid = 13 OR content.catid = 14 OR content.catid = 15 OR content.catid = 16 OR content.catid = 17 OR content.catid = 18 OR content.catid = 19 OR content.catid = 20 OR content.catid = 21 OR content.catid = 22 OR content.catid = 23 OR content.catid = 26 OR content.catid = 27 OR content.catid = 28 OR content.catid = 29 OR content.catid = 30 OR content.catid = 31 OR content.catid = 32 OR content.catid = 33 OR content.catid = 34 OR content.catid = 36 OR content.catid = 37 OR content.catid = 38 OR content.catid = 39 OR content.catid = 41 OR content.catid = 44 OR content.catid = 45 OR content.catid = 54 OR content.catid = 56 OR content.catid = 58 OR content.catid = 60 ) ORDER BY content.created DESC LIMIT 0,900
Got also a siminlar just some minutes after.
Please help.