Can not figure out how to send out mass emails with world news ii template. Recently sent out mass mails which were rejected by server so I am looking at PHPlist as a way to get emails out to large mass mailing list. Are the following settings correct for using PHPlist for mass mailing from website? I use google mail - mx records point domain towards google mail using same website name ie [email protected]. Is the following configuration correct when using PHPlist? will SMTP port = 25 identify my emails as spam? Is there a better program than PHPlist to use with joomla site?
Mail Settings:
Mailer *: PHP Mail (instead of SMTP or Sendmail)
From email: contact@website
From Name: website
Sendmail Path: /usr/sbin/sendmail
SMTP Authentication: Yes
SMTP Security: None (instead of TTL or SSL)
SMTP Port *: 25
SMTP Username: nothing entered
SMTP Password: nothing entered
SMTP Host: localhost