I was using Joomla 1.7.2 with template MyFolio v2.3. I updated Joomla to version 2.5.6 and downloaded a newer version of the MyFolio template, v2.10. Using the regular installation the template failed to update saying there was already a template using that name/map. To get around this problem I unzipped the template-zip and with FTP overwrite the current template-dir.
The website is still ok in the frontend but when I go in the backend->templates I see things are not ok. i see a message like 'TPL_GK_LANG_CONFIG_LOAD' it seems this is a button the load the config file ?
Anyway, maybe other files (beside just ftp) needed to be updated as well? is there a way to reinstall/update the latest version of the template? I also see the template is running framework Gavern v2.10 while I see v3 is out? Needs this being update as well?