Dear all, I'm new of Joomla, website design and templates.
I tried to design a site for my volunteers association and i got problems since
the site is on line on a remote server.
First I designed my site on local and then trasferred it on server and everything was fine,
now I'm to upload new file to site on server and it doesn't work.
the problem is to attach a new file to a k2 item
to tab folder Attachments but i don't get the expected behavior.
I choose the file Novembre_2011.pdf and it looks like it does, but when I try to download
it i get the answer: file does not exists.
This file is also on the server /httpdocs/images/stories/Notiziario/Novembre_2011.pdf
but i get the same behavior both if I upload from local or from remote server.
Do I need to change some configuration file?
Sorry for bad english, thanks
Stefania Caputo
Mysql version 5.0.77
php version 5.2.17
Joomla version Joomla! 1.5.22 Stable
template: postnote