In Facebook, Links showing wrong thumbnail?

Gamebox for Joomla 1.5 support forum by GavickPro
GK User
Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:40 pm
When I post a link to my site on Facebook, the thumbnail shown is usually the wrong one, related to one of the modules on the page, rather than the one in the article, this has caused major problems with people who have repost my links as the thumbnail can sometimes be of something they don't want to promote, any way to fix this?

More information here ... a-website/

but I don't know how to convert that so it uses the thumbnail in the article rather than a different one.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:11 am
Any help with this?
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Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:39 pm
I would probably go to the WordPress support forums and post there about the issue... in looking over your issue, you are using neither Joomla nor the template "GameBox Magazine".

Keep in mind as well, that Facebook doesn't always show every possible graphic thumbnail that it could show to advertise your site. It depends on the graphics that are available, their dimensions, and more.

Facebook Tip: sometimes you can control the display of images in your facebook links by including a 150x150 pixel image that you'd like to use on Facebook, in the article/page of your site that you are linking to... placing it near the top of the page. If you have multiple images that appear BEFORE the images you are hoping to have available, they will take priority with facebook...

Remember - the larger the image (both in KB and Pixels), the lessor the chance Facebook will add it to your choice of images to display with your link.
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Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:17 pm
I am infact using both Joomla and Gamebox Magazine lol.

The link was an example of how you can manipulate the template header file to show particular images relevant to your particular menu options/categories, I just wanted a HTML/CSS experts opinion as to how I could then manipulate that code and add it to the template to use the first image in the article rather than another. I think it is easily possible, but rather than me gropping in the dark for a clue, I wanted the people who actually made the template to check that code and recommend a way of manipulating it to focus on the article rather than anywhere else.

Thanks for the reply and your help.
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Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:17 pm
That's the issue with Facebook... there really is no "formula" per sey of what images that Facebook will scrape and provide you to select as a thumbnail for the page.

There are ways' to "skew" what they produce, but you really have to play with the images and placement on your pages - play with the sizes of those images, etc. I had a page that had (litterally) over 90 images on it... it was PLAIN HTML for the page, and all the images were just a plethora of photos I took at my daughters play.

I posted the link on Facebook, and it gave me the option for three images to use as thumbnails (none of which had anythign to do with the photos on the page I had created - instead, were the three 20px x 20px buttons to go from one page to the next... not even my logo which was 234x60 at the top of the page was made available to use for the thumbnail.

Now, considering my past experience with forum support here, you are probably not going to get very far with troubleshooting this problem as it really isn't a 'bug' in the template, and its more of you wanting to better manipulate what a 3rd party is scraping from your pages. (just sayin - you might not want to get your hopes up)

Good luck with the effort though... my advice... play with the primary images on whatever page you are trying to get them to scrape...
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