Gamebox and joomgallery alignment issue

Gamebox for Joomla 1.5 support forum by GavickPro
GK User
Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:09 am
hi guys
love the template, but it jumps up when you access any pages that have joomgallery component operating on it.
The whole site, menu upwards just moves up - not a big deal - but thought i would bring it to your attention so it could be fixed in an upcoming template update :)

thanks heaps!
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Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:01 am
Covering support for customisations would mean the price for this service would be like 10x what it is, so i can understand they dont.

Anyway, just a thought, its probably that there is a style that conflicts between the extensions that causes this.

If I am correct in this theory, it is quite easy to fix. First thing you need to do is install a web developer toolbar in either IE or Firefox and determine the elements. For somebody new to CSS, a WYSIWYG tool is very useful.

Then you need to view the stylesheet (INFORMATION, DISPLAY ELEMENT INFORMATION) and check where the conflict is occuring. As long as its not a javascript issue causing the problem it will be quite easy to fix.

Warm Regards

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