I have spent hours working on both JAT3 templates and your T3 based templates, and haven't found an easy way to move the nav. In fact, when I ?tp=1, the nav isn't in a module position at all. Is this correct? I would much prefer to have the nav in a module position which I can easily relocated.
There are other posts about this, dealing with moving the nav.
It appears that the way to turn off or move the nav is by hacking the mainnav.php?
If so, it strikes me as a design defect in T3. I am comparing to Morph, which offers at least two module positions which have the CSS for the main menu, and then further allow setting in the Configurator where the Nav should be located, in one of 4 different vertical positions up and down the page. I am attaching a screenshot.
I think it would be great if Gavick would offer some flexibility in the Template configuration, similar to Morph's. It's my current opinion that this would fix one of the few limitations I have found with T3.