NO LOGO option, please

Gamebox for Joomla 1.5 support forum by GavickPro
GK User
Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:26 pm
Please, ALWAYS, add a None option to the logo setting. I am putting the logo in another div, so I want NONE.

Currently, it looks like I have to add a display:none to the CSS.

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GK User
Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:33 pm
Ok, we'll consider this option. BTW I recommend to remove logo manually instead of using display:none. The logo code you can find in layouts/blocks/mainnav.php file.
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GK User
Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:32 pm
Super, Thanks for the tip. Of course, your None option would suppress inclusion of that code, too, right?

I did the edit. I found the endif, and tracked back to the first if above it.

I was disappointed to find gk_top inside the if. It seems to me that there should always be a full width div where one can put a logo in as a background.

So I left the gk_top div. It seems to be working OK. My dev site is - I want the logo above the nav, so I am going to move the divs around.

I am attaching the nologo version of mainnav.php for anyone interested.

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