the txt document that comes with the gk_style folder asks you to place selectors somewhere.
can anyone help me as to where these go? I have been tearing my hair out trying to find where to put this info! without it the styling does not work.
the description is not clear as to where this fonts tab is?
2. Please add following selectors to the group "Headers" in the template options at "Fonts" tab:
#jsMenu .jsMenuBar > ul > li > a,
#community-wrap div.profile-info .contentheading,
#community-wrap div.greybox div.joinbutton,
body #community-wrap div.profile-toolbox-bl ul.small-button li,
ul.profile-details li.title,
#community-wrap .latest-events .jsEvDate,
#community-wrap .cModule.latest-events .jsDetail b a,
body #community-wrap ul#featurelist li,
#community-wrap #event-admin-name,
#community-wrap .wall-tittle,
#community-wrap #wallForm,
#community-wrap #community-photo-walls,
#community-wrap .profile-toolbox-name,
#community-wrap .video-title a,
#community-wrap .clabel,
#community-wrap .eventDate,
#community-wrap .inbox-message-heading