Light version

Gamebox for Joomla 1.5 support forum by GavickPro
GK User
Thu Oct 21, 2010 5:56 pm

If you want a light version, make it yourself, it's not that difficult if you understand CSS and how to edit the image source files that are given to you.

Coming here once a day or week or month and asking is not going magically make this light version appear.

Seichinha was doing this as a favor and quite honestly for as annoying/greedy/demanding as some of you are, I hope he waits 6 months to release it.
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GK User
Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:02 pm
Wooah buddy take it easy. Calling me and other names like annoying/greedy/demanding speaks volumes about yourself. We are asking about a light version because on page 2 of this thread it appears a light version was in the works. We are asking for a simple yes or no, I think that is reasonable enough. Loose the attitude please.
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GK User
Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:05 pm
Learn how to comprehend - no one is name calling and I'm perfectly calm but thanks for your concern.

Obviously some people can't figure out that asking or commenting over and over isn't going to give them an answer. So you have to drop down a few levels for them to understand.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
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GK User
Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:15 pm
Learn how to comprehend? Are you serious? My feelings are not hurt, but you could use a lesson or two in respect. And your self-righteously pious comments are humorous to me considering the fact that they coming from a guy named "ThatComputerDude".

Why don't you let the owners of this site address this question instead of acting on their behalf. Unless I missed something and you recently got a job here.
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GK User
Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:56 pm
@ ThatComputerDude I agree people should try to learn CSS and there would be more peace in the mystical land of Gavick.

@ regal360
ThatComputerDude is a hot head but he's lovable :woohoo: , If you ( TRY ) to do something he will go to great lengths to help you out.. But you can't be a non-contributing leach with him, you just saw the result of that.

To change the colors of that template is nothing more than searching and swapping colors... Open the graphic siles and edit as you like. Just try it, show us what you need help on and I'm sure you'll get some help from other coders.. including ThatComputerDude.

Whom ever said they would make a light version should release what they have now and update later to stop this madness. People would have to learn CSS to finish it, that could spark discussions about CSS. :blink:
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GK User
Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:06 pm
There are some of us and I am one of them who simply do not understand code or css and others who simply do not have the time. After all if I knew html and css I would not be using joomla nor would I be buying a membership to Gavick. It is easy for others to say that you just need to learn something but imagine your Mechanic telling you that you need to replace your own transmission. So I take offense to the leach comment because it is being made from a position of knowing and not taking into consideration everyone's skills and abilities let alone their time. Not everyone who wants a light version is doing so because they are lazy or a leach. Some may not have the knowledge, the understanding, or the time.

All I am asking it whether or not they will be releasing the light version. If the answer happens to be NO then I will move on and purchase another template in which the features and scheme match my needs. If the answer is YES as it appears it is on page 2 of this post then it would be nice to hear when.
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GK User
Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:40 pm
We are waiting Seichinha release because he promise us a release 3 weeks ago.
But no news ... so we are realy sad :S
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GK User
Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:26 am
.you .did .not .try {
effort: 0%;
help_received: 0%;
help_anticipated: 0%;
personality_flaw: true;
has_tried_to_help_self: false:

#gk-white_party_freak template:private {
part_of_gavick: false;
can_do_your_self: true;
background: #FFF;
background-attachment: any;
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

I know CSS can look like a bunch of crap, but it's easy if you learn a few basics. the first thin you need to learn is TAGS, ID's and CLASSES these are the properties of all the elements that can be put on a web page. Once you know what they are then you can manipulate their values. In other words you can make anything look the way you want. You can laso place anything where you want it or even hide it. But the first step to learning CSS is with you. I learned it, so you can too, seems you need to know more than I want to teach you. So make that step for yourself.. tough love dude.
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GK User
Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:27 am
im closing this thread. Seichinha can reopen when/if the light version comes. until then the topic is closed...

remember people - this is not a gavick project...

and for those badtalking ThatComputerDude. please try to read out the posts made in this topic.. the guy actually try to help you all..
he started another topic where he will try help those who wants to make there own light version...

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