NeedClarification - Customize Menui/Pg & Overide CSS

GK User
Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:38 pm
Not made clear in the user documentation what are the correct syntax for assigning multiple "custom menu per Page" parameters of the template manager.

First let me ask, in case I'm assuming, will the custom menu paramters (pg12) allow different menus to be used in place of where typically the "main" menu go at the top?
The tool tip inside the template manager seems to suggest so although the documentation says nothing about. I get that we can assign a different "type"(css,dropline,etc) per page, but again what about a different menu? For instance on my business pages, itemid=99,itemid=100,itemid=101 Id' like the "business menu" to go at the top instead of the main menu links.

What is syntax for adding different parameters in here? Is it supposed to be one per line, are they supposed to be enclosed in '', are they supposed to be comma separated?

the Override CSS in the template parameters, can this be used to store my css customization?

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Senior Boarder

Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:59 pm

override.css file is just for the customizations. It's being loaded as last css so it's easy to overwrite the styles.

Mainmenu in our templates are a standard item. It can't be modificate in a way You are talking about, but such things can be achive with a number of solutions. For example using a copy of the same template with a diffrent mainmenu or some php scripts to manipulate the showing of right menu for the Itemid.
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GK User
Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:24 am
Thanks for the reply.

If I go with the multiple template (copies) to achieve the menu variations, what file/folder names need to get changed, is it just the complete template folder and the templatedetails.xml file?

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Senior Boarder

Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:44 pm

Folder and xml is enought as long as You have the standard template name installed this will make You sure that even the code uses some full path than the file will be located in diffrent copy.
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