Hello. I have just 3 problems left on my site now, I think
My site is at http://dev.hundegal.no - And here is also my first problem. The mod-news_pro module is set up exactly as the quickstart. And the quickstart works as it should. http://dritt.hundefgal.no On my page tho the links have white, black and grey "frames" around the heading and beginning of article text. The quickstart does not and looks much cooler. What can I do to make my site look like that? The same problem is also on the mod_news pro module under the name "hva kaller man denne" on the bottom.- I would like to have them styled just as tghe quickstart and I have set them up just the same way ! Annoying
Second problem can also be found on the frontpage. It is my login box. The styling has gone mad. I have another post with this issue here ( http://www.gavick.com/forum/86-party-fr ... login.html ) I was told to stop using mod_hellome and the problem with login module would dissapear, but it did not. I have completely deleted the module and cleared all cache.
And for my third problem that I have come acrtoss It is in my groups. ( http://www.gavick.com/forum/86-party-fr ... login.html )
under group information (gruppeinformasjon) we have category, name, description, creted and created bty info just with the group image. But there seems to somehow be a clock for each of theese thing.
I have no idea what to look for next to overcome theese problems
Hope you know what to do
edit all my issues have been resolved whoptido I had actually messed around in .css files