Hi. I had to change template for my site that was jnust about ready to go when I found out another big site here had chenged to the exact same template as I used the Quay one. So I had to change template and I went for this one. However. I got quite a big problem now. My front page is working 90% (I have posted a question about the remaining 10% in tools forum )
But. Here is my problems. If I try to read the news ( link http://dev.hundegal.no/artikler/nyheter.html ) all is suddenly weird. The cool partyfreak typhography is gone, and the test is coming after the image wich also here has the frame problem. <-- I have found out that the menus with blog layout / section view is not the same as menus with blog layout / category view.. Would want them both to be the same
edit .. Tested to add an article on the quickstart package and the same error on the image frame is there, so I guess it isn't a conflicting extension that is causing this .. ( link http://dritt.hundegal.no/index.php?opti ... &Itemid=50 )
edit again .. after surfing the forum I think my image border problem is solved