Well I have have a issue this template with Jreviews, doesn't seem to happen on rhuk_milkyway. I have tried this with another template and removing all modules from the page, and it doesn't seem to affect the issue. I have tried including CometChat into rhuk_milkyway, to see if it was that causing it, still no resolve.
The issue: On a page load the page focus is at the bottom of the page, and not remaining at the top of the page. It seems to be apparent in IE8, Firefox 3.6.3, and Opera 10.51. I haven't been able to narrow down what's the conflict, but it seems to be related to gk_party_freak + Jreveiws.
http://www.nuvul.com/index.php/Movies/n ... -2009.html
Realized you had to be logged in to see it..
Login: demouser1
Password: demouser1
Any help would be appreciated!!