ok back again
Please follow my instructions.
Open ../css/gk_stuff.css file and find this fragment:
- Code: Select all
* News Show Pro GK4 ------------------------------------------------------------------
.nsp_art h4.nsp_header,
.nsp_art h4.nsp_header a { color: #A1A1A1 !important; font-size: 110% }
.nsp_art h4.nsp_header a:hover {color: #fff !important;}
.nsp_bottom_interface .pagination li,
.nsp_top_interface .pagination li { float:left; cursor:pointer; text-indent:-999em; width:9px; height:9px; background:#2d2d2d; margin:0 4px 0 0; border: none; border-radius:0; -moz-border-radius:0; -webkit-border-radius:0; padding: 0 }
.nsp_bottom_interface .pagination li.active,
.nsp_top_interface .pagination li.active { background:#666; }
.nsp_bottom_interface .pagination li:hover,
.nsp_top_interface .pagination li:hover { background: #fff }
.nsp_bottom_interface { border-top:1px dotted #2B2C2C; clear:both; font-size:90%; margin:9px 0 0; padding-top:6px; }
.nsp_bottom_interface div,
.nsp_top_interface div { width: 100% }
.nsp_bottom_interface .prev,
.nsp_bottom_interface .next,
.nsp_top_interface .prev,
.nsp_top_interface .next,
.nsp_bottom_interface .prev:hover,
.nsp_top_interface .prev:hover,
.nsp_bottom_interface .next:hover,
.nsp_top_interface .next:hover { background: transparent url('../images/interface_sprite.png') no-repeat 0 0; text-indent: -10000px; width:25px; height:15px; line-height:15px; padding:0; margin:0 0 0 2px; float:right; cursor:pointer; }
.nsp_bottom_interface .prev,
.nsp_top_interface .prev { background-position: 0 -16px; }
.nsp_bottom_interface .prev:hover,
.nsp_top_interface .prev:hover { background-position: 100% -16px; }
.nsp_bottom_interface .next:hover,
.nsp_top_interface .next:hover { background-position: 100% 0; }
.nsp_links ul li { margin:0 0 4px 0; border-top:1px solid #2c2c2c; background:transparent url('../images/bullet.png') no-repeat left 7px; padding:3px 0 0 10px; }
.nsp_links ul li:first-child { border-top:none!important; }
.nsp_links ul li h4,
.nsp_links ul li h4 a { color:#696A6A; font-size:100%; line-height:normal }
.nsp_links ul li p { color:#696A6A; font-size:90%; margin:0 }
.nsp_links ul li:hover h4,
.nsp_links ul li:hover a,
.nsp_links ul li:hover p { color:#a1a1a1!important; cursor: pointer; }
.nsp_art p.nsp_info { color: #3F4040 }
/* Addedd sufixes */
.bigtitle h4.nsp_header,
.bigtitle h4.nsp_header a { font-size:130%; line-height:120%; }
replace with
- Code: Select all
* News Show Pro GK4 ------------------------------------------------------------------
.nsp .nsp_art h4.nsp_header,
.nsp .nsp_art h4.nsp_header a { color: #A1A1A1 !important; font-size: 110% }
.nsp .nsp_art h4.nsp_header a:hover {color: #fff !important;}
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface .pagination li,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface .pagination li { float:left; cursor:pointer; text-indent:-999em; width:9px; height:9px; background:#2d2d2d; margin:0 4px 0 0; border: none; border-radius:0; -moz-border-radius:0; -webkit-border-radius:0; padding: 0 }
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface .pagination li.active,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface .pagination li.active { background:#666; }
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface .pagination li:hover,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface .pagination li:hover { background: #fff }
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface { border-top:1px dotted #2B2C2C; clear:both; font-size:90%; margin:9px 0 0; padding-top:6px; }
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface div,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface div { width: 100% }
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface .prev,
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface .next,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface .prev,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface .next,
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface .prev:hover,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface .prev:hover,
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface .next:hover,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface .next:hover { background: transparent url('../images/interface_sprite.png') no-repeat 0 0!important; text-indent: -10000px; width:25px; height:15px; line-height:15px; padding:0; margin:0 0 0 2px; float:right!important; cursor:pointer; }
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface .prev,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface .prev { background-position: 0 -16px!important; }
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface .prev:hover,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface .prev:hover { background-position: 100% -16px!important; }
.nsp .nsp_bottom_interface .next:hover,
.nsp .nsp_top_interface .next:hover { background-position: 100% 0!important; }
.nsp .nsp_links ul li { margin:0 0 4px 0; border-top:1px solid #2c2c2c; background:transparent url('../images/bullet.png') no-repeat left 7px; padding:3px 0 0 10px; }
.nsp .nsp_links ul li:first-child { border-top:none!important; }
.nsp .nsp_links ul li h4,
.nsp .nsp_links ul li h4 a { color:#696A6A; font-size:100%; line-height:normal }
.nsp .nsp_links ul li p { color:#696A6A; font-size:90%; margin:0 }
.nsp .nsp_links ul li:hover h4,
.nsp .nsp_links ul li:hover a,
.nsp .nsp_links ul li:hover p { color:#a1a1a1!important; cursor: pointer; }
.nsp .nsp_art p.nsp_info { color: #3F4040 }
/* Addedd sufixes */
.nsp .bigtitle h4.nsp_header,
.nsp .bigtitle h4.nsp_header a { font-size:130%; line-height:120%; }
On same file, find this fragment:
- Code: Select all
* GK Image Border -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
div.gk_img_border_top { overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 0 0; background:transparent url('../images/header_top.png') no-repeat 96% top; float:left; width:auto; }
div.gk_img_border_top.right { float:right!important; margin:5px 0 5px 12px; }
div.gk_img_border_top.left { float:left!important; margin:5px 12px 5px 0; }
div.gk_img_border_bottom { overflow:hidden; padding:0 0 8px 0; background:transparent url('../images/header_bottom.png') no-repeat 2% bottom; }
div.gk_img_border_bottom>img { margin:0!important; padding:0!important; background:#0d0d0d }
replace with
- Code: Select all
* GK Image Border -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
div.gk_img_border_top { overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 0 0!important; background:transparent url('../images/header_top.png') no-repeat 96% top; float:left; width:auto; }
div.gk_img_border_top.right { float:right!important; margin:5px 0 5px 12px; }
div.gk_img_border_top.left { float:left!important; margin:5px 12px 5px 0; }
div.gk_img_border_bottom { overflow:hidden; padding:0 0 8px 0!important; background:transparent url('../images/header_bottom.png') no-repeat 2% bottom; }
div.gk_img_border_bottom>img { margin:0!important; padding:0!important; background:#0d0d0d }
Now very important!On every News Show Pro GK4 module, you need to add as first suffix "[space]nsp"
For example, on your "MUSIC NEWS" module, the suffix must be "[space]nsp[space]badge-Hot[space]bigtitle"
This will be added on next update.