Why don't you just backup your site and install it locally. Copy your copy of the template directory to an alternative location or just rename it.
Now install the latest version of the template available from the downloads area.
If you don't have a compare tool you can use this free utility
Winmerge if you're using Linux, you probably already have a decent compare tool.
Before you make any changes make a security backup of your original live template (just in case you make a mistake).
Run the compare tool against the two directories or file by file and transfer the changes over.
If you haven't already been using the override.css now would be a good opportunity to build an overrides.css. When you hit a change in the files, copy your change into the override.css file rather than
the core files. This will make life much easier in future when you come to upgrade.
You don't need to copy whole css code blocks only the part that is different.
#something {
padding: 0 10px;
color: #000;
If only the color has changed you only need to add this to the override.css.
#something {
color: #000;
When you have made the changes locally you can simply upload the edited files to your live server, without the risk of any loss or time frame pressure.
This may not be very helpful if you want to do incremental updates. If you aim to update to the latest version, you're just going to add to your workload using an incremental process. You will also increase the odds of creating an error in my experience.
Good luck with your update.
Edit: I took too long typing my reply.
Note: If your template doesn't have an override.css file as part of the default template, you can simply add your own. Create a file called override.css in your templates css directory. Then you need to include a link to the override file in the doc header. I'm not familiar with your templates structure but there will be either an index.php, head.php or some other .php file which controls the header includes. Find that file and add something like this towards the end of the css style includes (it needs to be the last css file in the load order).
- Code: Select all
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template?>/css/override.css" type="text/css" />
Once you have added the line refresh the browser and inspect the page source. If you have entered the line correctly, you should see the override.css style sheet included in the header of the document. You could add a simple css code test to your override.css file, to see if your override file is being called correctly.