Separators stay linkable inside megamenu?

Memovie Joomla Template support forum for Joomla 1.5 only.
GK User
Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:29 am
Hey there

I know this seems like a T3 Framework issue, but i thought you guys could perhaps help me.

i have created a 3 column menu item, which i want to be a separator, but the separator seems to be linkable, i just want it to be a placeholder, which should normally be the default.

Could anyone perhaps please point me in the right direction or assist me with this problem

much appreciated.

i think I solved it
In 'base.class.php'

if ($tmp->type == 'separator')

$data = '<a href="#" '.$active.' '.$id.' '.$title.'>'.$txt.'</a>';

delete everything in '$data' except '$txt'
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:45 am

Yeap. That is some kind of solution :)
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