Several minutes between modify and application of the same

Memovie Joomla Template support forum for Joomla 1.5 only.
GK User
Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:40 pm

i'm experiencing some little, but annoying, problems:

1. every time i make a change in a page of the site, it is not applied immediately but after several minute (10-20)
I've already tried to unload the cache both from the browser and from the joomla admin panel, without success.
Have you already faced this problem?
Any suggestion?

2. i've a problem with CSS style.... i'm developing the site on a laptop (MacBook) and i see everything correct.
Opening the site from a different computer i see it completely without the CSS style....
If i include in the root address also the name of the home page (index.php) i see the page with the style but, of course, when a go on a different page i loose the style....

Thanks for you precious support!!

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