I want to hire a pro "gavick" person.
IF, they can do this.
I want the slider show, as it works on Corp 2. config 1, config 2 and config 3
to work on photoshow header1 or header1 module postion in Memovie.
the other need I have is since the "register" module in Gavick does not work the same as the login form, login script of gavick, I need it to link to the same extension, if an extension is installed.
currently the Login module script written by Gavick, will see any Login extension, aka AlphaRegistration, which I use to force a "read terms of service link"
the "register" form built by Gavick ignores any installed extension, such as AlphaReg, when it is installed.
what that means, the logon script of Gavicks, works one way "create an account" aka register.
and the "register" module written by Gavick does not look for any "installed extensions".
what ANY user of the Gavick templates gets by this, is two different "registration paths" instead of both preforming the same or behaving the same.
the photoslider is my bigger issue.
I need this work done, if the price is right.
I can hire a programmer in India, to do this, but thought I would see if the programmers here wanted a shot at their own product first. since they would easily understand (i hope) their own product.
you can reach me at general at recovery2day dot org